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Cigar blogs are frequently visited by new smokers and enthusiast alike. These blogs are always keeping tabs on the latest news in the industry whether it’s your favourite brand coming out with a new cigar, or looking for tips on smoking, what product to choose or you need to know what type cigars you should be trying. In general, they are a very reliable news source for a cigar smoker and often offer much great smoking advice, providing you with the latest news of local events and much more. You will find hundreds of blog online dedicated to cigar smoking because it’s so popular these days you might have difficulty finding the one with the features the information and topics you need to know. But don’t worry. I have put up a list of cigar blogs that will help you get a better idea of what a cigar is all about, sites that give reliable information, best smoking tips and recommendations and reviews of the best product in the markets. For more information on what a cigar is you can check outCigar
How to find the right blog
For a cigar expert, the more information about cigar they have, the better for them. The ability to go online and look into news about the latest product releases, cigar etiquette, and common smoking tips will always interest serious smokers. You will come across sites that are pure review blogs. These blogs primarily focus on the newest cigar releases and products, discussing each one and going in-depth about their experience with the product, how it’s rated and whether or not they will recommend it. Serious smokers would always focus on blogs like this. In contrast, cigar enthusiasts who aren’t interested in purchasing new products will focus more on sites that give the latest press releases associated with smoking and basic cigar news and sites offering informative podcasts commentary on the cigar industry.
They are specifically committed to educating new smokers, reviewing basic topics like how to ash a cigar, how to cut and light one and how to choose a cigar based on your personal preference. These sites are invaluable to a new smoker as they can learn a lot from it.
There are also hybrid sites that offer an ideal blend of cigar news, product reviews and basic information for beginners and enthusiasts. You don’t have to pick one site to follow there are many available online, so you will never have a hard time finding a reliable site committed to offering up the last industry news. Below you will find a list which I have prepared of some of the best blogs online. However, there are so much more from what I will mention that you might find interesting. Still, my list comprises the most reliable and informative and offers the latest in tips, industry news and product recommendation.
Cigar Blogs to follow
Cigar dojos
Enthusiasts like to stay current in the news concerning cigars product and reviews, and the cigar dojo is one of the best online. Its versatile site with a simple layout so you can visit one part of the site and effortlessly switch to another without being held back by ad or feds new you don’t need. It offers various articles that are very easy to read and understand and provides reviews that are straight to the point unbiased and truthful. If you like to visit blogs on your smartphone devices, dojos have an app on Android and IOS smartphone devices.
Stogie rate
If you are looking for a site with a bit of everything, including reviews, profiles, ratings, a large database of cigars, social sharing and cigar images, then stogie rate is the site you need to visit. It is a very good site to visit and spend your time learning about the latest products in the market and finding out whether a particular cigar is good or bad and learning about the upcoming products. It also has an inventory program. The program allows the user to organize their collection, rate them and even track there age. It also has a historical log that allows users to find a particular cigar in the future. In general, that has something to over to everyone, and you could easily find yourself visiting it often.
If you require a site that is a little bit different like something straight forward that’s not flashy and doesn’t exaggerate on the hype then halfwheel is the site you should visit. These are sport illustrated cigar blogs and give a more serious take on smoking, providing you with informative articles, latest cigar news, and key information that will let you know what goes on in the cigar world. Navigating from one section of this site to another is very easy and simple as it offers a clean yet plain layout. If you are tired of focusing mainly on smoking, and you need to know more about the industry, then halfwheel is the site you try to visit if you need all that has been stated.
Fine tobacco NYC
This blog was created and designed by Mattias clock as a place where he, as a cigar expert could share his thoughts on the types of cigars he has tried and how he felt they should be rated. The site has grown so much bigger these days and offers information that will be appreciated by new and experienced smokers. The site has grown past just being a normal blog. It now actually hosts very important events in new, which helps smokers discuss cigars, new blends, and other related cigar information while enjoying their fellow cigar enthusiast’s companying.
If you need a reliable source concerning a product, the latest releases, and more, the information above has got you covered. I hope what I have written is of help to you, and for more insight on cigar related information, you can also check out.