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As a cigar enthusiast, you know that you need to keep your cigars adequately stored to retain the flavor and keep them fresh. Keeping your cigars for a long time requires the use of a humidor, and the Prestige Import Group Large Humidor is one of the best you can get on the market. An exquisite cutter that will add to your cigar collection is the Sahara Sailor Double Blades Guillotine Cigar Cutter
Prestige Import Group Landmark Large Humidor
The Prestige humidor features a beautiful design. It is intricately made and resonates with class, making it an instant favorite among cigar lovers. One of the immediately noticeable features of the humidor is its size and the extra key component to prevent children from getting into it. If you are looking for a humidor with an elegant design and storing your cigars, you can get the prestige import group large humidor.
The Prestige Import Group Landmark Large humidor is made from burl wood of excellent quality, and it also has an accurate hygrometer. The wood used is burl wood, and it has a cherry high gloss finish. You can comfortably store about 300 cigars in it, and it will remain safe with the golden lock installed on it.
It features dual humidification units, which ensures your cigars are evenly and properly humidified. The Prestige Large humidor uses high-quality Spanish cedar dividers, a glass door, and a hygrometer, making it easy to monitor humidity levels. Make sure you season the humidor before use because the cedar can dry out the cigars you store.
Are you looking for excellent cigars to store in your humidor? Then check our review on the Best Cigars. You can purchase the Prestige Import Group Landmark Large here
Key Features
Burlwood veneer
Spanish Cedar divider
Dual humidification units
Heavy-duty lock hinges
Brand: Prestige Import Group
Size: 25 x 19 x 19 inches
Weight: 17.4 Lb
Storage Capacity: 300 pieces of cigars
It has a lock that’s great for preventing kids from access to the cigars
The Prestige Large humidor is spacious enough to contain a collection of cigars.
The design is elegant, and it’s built with quality wood.
It uses dual humidifiers
It has a sturdy build
The lock comes with a spare key
The Prestige Import Group Large Humidor is an excellent cigar humidor choice and gives you great value for your money. Your cigars are kept at the proper humidity while preserving the flavor, aroma, and quality. Long-term storage of your cigars dictates that you need a humidor, and the Prestige Import Group Landmark Large humidor‘ is an excellent choice.
Suppose you go for the Prestige Import Group Large Humidor. In that case, you get a large humidor with enough space for your cigar collection without you worrying about your cigars losing fragrance and quality. If you are a casual cigar smoker or don’t have an extensive collection, you may not want to get the Prestige Import Group Large Humidor. Another cigar humidor you can check out is the Mantello 25 50 Cigar Desktop Humidor‘
To ensure your humidor has a long lifespan and gives you optimum performance, you need to use it properly and care for it. Make sure to season the humidor first to prevent the cedar from drying out your cigars. Store the Prestige Import Group Large humidor in a cool dark place to ensure the proper temperature in the humidor, as temperature affects the cigars.
While using your Prestige Import Group Large Humidor, ensure you regularly monitor the hygrometer; check it at least once a week to maintain the correct humidity levels. Replace and refill the hygrometer as required to keep the cigars in pristine conditions. You can also check out the Zep Smoke Odor Eliminator Review‘ if you live with people who are not fond of the cigar odor.