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Having a cigar collection is something familiar among cigar lovers. Having the perfect cigar collection will not be complete if you don’t have the ideal way to preserve them and keep them fresh for when they are needed. The best, most common, and efficient way to protect your cigar is using a humidor. Humidors act as a storage place for your cigars, and they help keep your cigars fresh by maintaining a particular level of humidity inside the humidor. When your cigar is kept at a specific humidity level, they tend to remain fresh and retain all their properties just like the first time. Getting a great humidor is very important because there are so many sub-standard humidors in the market, and finding one with the right features can be tricky. In this article, we would be looking at one of the best cigar humidors available, and that is the La Cubana Glass Wooden Cigar Humidor.
If you are looking to have cigars at your bachelor’s party and you are looking for a guide, you can check (Bachelor Party Cigar Guide)
La Cubana Glass Wooden Cigar Humidor
If you want your cigar to remain fresh and free from all forms of contamination, then the La Cubana Glass Wooden Cigar Humidor is the perfect fit. From this humidor’s design, you would see it has a great design, making it solid and pleasant. The humidor is beautifully constructed and has all the fantastic features needed to keep your cigar in perfect condition. If you want the ideal humidor with a suitable class, strength, efficiency, style, and excellent finish, then the La Cubana Glass Wooden Cigar Humidor is a perfect choice. If you are not a cigar lover, but you know someone, you can also be the ideal gift for them.
Now let us talk about some of the unique features present in this humidor. From the exterior, you will notice that this humidor is made from the best quality of woods available, and it has a great way of helping you organize your cigars. The interior is well finished, and it has a dual-storage space, meaning you are assured of adequate space for your cigars. If you are concerned about storing your cigar and providing them with the best conditions possible to remain fresh, then the La Cubana Glass Wooden Cigar Humidor should be your first choice.
In this section, we would be looking at some of the fantastic features that make the La Cubana Glass Wooden Cigar Humidor so tremendous and preferable to others. Some of the features include
Solid wood construction
Glass construction
Felt-lined bottoms
Weight: 2.7 pounds
Dimension: 11” x 9” x 5.5”
It comes with a hygrometer and built-in hygrometer
It is resistant to scratches due to its sturdy coating
This humidor is made from the best and high-quality materials available
It looks elegant thanks to the lacquer finish, which is also made of high-quality materials
It has a strong hinge that is easy to close and open freely
It has a hygrometer installed inside
It has a humidifier
It comes with a cedar divider
It is expensive
It is only recommended for beginners
In the article above, we have given you the pros, cons, features, and unique features of the La Cubana Glass Wooden Cigar Humidor. In the article, you will notice how we mentioned the quality design and material used on this humidor and the lacquer coating. You are also assured of proper and adequate storage for your cigars because this humidor comes with two storage compartments for that purpose. If you take a look at the humidor’s internal layer, you will notice that it is made from high-quality Spanish cedars. The fact that the interior layer is made from Spanish cedar is excellent because it helps you preserve the quality and fragrance of the cigars fresh at all times.
In conclusion, this is a great humidor that will be the perfect fit for any cigar lover or cigar collector. It has all the fantastic features to make sure your cigars are appropriately stored.
If you are looking for the best small cigar, you can check out Best Small Cigars Cigarillos‘