8 Best Cigar Humidifiers For Your Humidor in 2021




In this informational post, we would be examining the best cigar Humidifiers for your humidor. This post is especially important and appealing if you have an interest in cigars, or you are a fan or enthusiast. Why do you really need cigar humidifiers for your humidor?

The fact is that cigar humidification systems are very good for the purpose of keeping cigars in a very palatable and consumable condition. Whenever cigars are exposed to too much heat and harsh weather condition(s), they tend to lose their quality in taste and savoriness. Humidifiers help maintain the moisture around your cigars to keep the flavor and trickling feeling of your cigars. For a cigar humidor to function well, the humidifier must be of good quality.

Also, the humidor pack must be of good technology in relative humidity.

Another great enhancement for your humidifier is to get a humidor hydrometer for quality humidity regulation.

Below, we are going to examine the eight best cigar humidifiers for your humidor. This would help you identify quality humidifiers to purchase for your cigar humidor. Thereafter, we would briefly examine how to choose cigar Humidifiers that would suit your style and particular purposes. We would then consider a general overview of how cigar Humidifiers work and give practical answers to frequently asked queries about the best cigar humidifiers for your humidor. Please, do well to follow through.

The Best Eight Cigar Humidifiers for your Humidor are reviewed below



The Boveda cigar humidifier is actually a top pick when it comes to the best cigar humidifiers for a small cigar humidor. The cigar humidifier does a great job in preserving the taste and flavor of your cigars. They work perfectly for small cigars that need a very good amount of moisture to keep fresh and flavor-filled. For example, cigars like Opus X are given enough moist to keep their flavor by Boveda humidifiers. Boveda cigar Humidifiers have a constant relative humidity of 65%, no more no less. The constant RH makes them even more ideal for small cigars that do not work well with excess humidity. The Boveda humidifier does its work using a two-channel mechanism. This humidifier supplies your humidor with enough moisture and at the same time dries up excess moisture from your humidor. The mechanism helps regulate the humidity. This humidifier can last up to four months for a small cigar humidor. A very great product!

Key Features:

  • Moisture Supplication and absorption system
  • Flexible humidity regulation
  • Durability and longevity


  • Brand- BOVEDA
  • Model- BOVEDA cigar humidifier 65% RH
  • You can choose from a range of relative humidity available(65%, 75%, 69%, and 72%)
  • Very compatible with both small and large cigar humidor
  • It lasts long. At times, you can use it for up to five months, if you are on a small cigar humidor.
  • Regulation of relative humidity issues
  • Quite costly



The cigar oasis humidifier is by far a very top pick when it comes to automatic or electricity-controlled humidifiers for your humidors. It is very easy to use as you just need to connect it to electricity and it does the work of humidifying. The cigar oasis humidifier is not one technical humidifier. Once you start using it, you only need to apply some amount of water at very minimal intervals. There is an inbuilt fan that quietly regulates the humidity of your cigars. It blows the entire length and breadth of the humidifier so no cigar would be lacking moisture. The product regulates the humidity of your cigars at a fixed and automatic 70% RH. But the product is flexible enough in this setting of RH. You can set it relative humidity to any preferred level of your choice, from 40 to 80% RH. The cigar oasis humidifier can be used to humidify other items. But solely to humidify your cigars, give the humidifier a setting of 60 or 65% RH. This is a general humidity level required for the preservation of cigars. How do you set this? There is a button panel that you can use in setting the humidification level in front of the product. The level you set would show on the glass digital display in front of the product too. The machine immediately stops itself once it reaches the RH level you have set. Brilliant automated humidifier!

Key Features:

  • A cooling system with a sensor powered fan
  • Inbuilt water cartridge
  • LCD for automated humidification settings


  • Brand- CIGAR OASIS
  • Model- CIGAR OASIS Humidifier
  • Water cartridge lasts up to 3 to 4 months when filled well
  • Automated cooling system through fan allows for circulated humidification.
  • Automatic switch-off of the machine when it reaches set RH level makes it very easy to use.
  • The LCD alerts when water level and humidity level are low.
  • The LCD might malfunction at times.
  • Very costly



Another top option for the best cigar humidifiers for your humidor. It is also a product from Boveda, but with different humidity options. The humidifier also works with the 2-channel moisture mechanism. The cigar humidifier is different from the first product in our list as it has 32% constant relative humidity and can last much longer. The product is one that keeps the moisture level of your cigars at a regulated level for up to 8 months if you are using an airtight humidor. The BOVEDA 32% RH product makes use of natural water to provide adequate and regulate moisture to your cigar humidor for an elongated period. It is a great product for the best cigar Humidifiers for small cigar humidors

Key Features:

  • Lasts long, up to 8 months for airtight humidors
  • Flexible humidity regulation
  • Durability and longevity


  • Brand- BOVEDA
  • Model- BOVEDA cigar humidifier 32% RPH
  • You can choose from a range of relative humidity available(84%, 58%, and 49%)
  • Very compatible with airtight humidors
  • It lasts long. At times, you can use it for up to eight months, if you are on a small cigar and airtight humidor.
  • Too much variation in RH levels
  • Quite costly



The DryMistat humidor humidifier is a very affordable and quality blend for the humidification of your cigars. If you do not have a particular humidity range for your cigars, the DryMistat product is great. If you intend humidifying your cigars for personal use, and not for a long period, the product is very ideal. The product uses Propylene Glycol to regulate humidity at a 70% RH level. The DryMistat product would give you average quality humidification over a reasonable period. You use this product by placing the tube inside your cigar humidor. Simple! WatchTHIS for a practical set up of this particular product in your humidor.

Key Features:

  • Crystal-charged propylene glycol solution
  • 70% Relative Humidity level
  • Comes in two tubes


  • Brand- DryMistat
  • Model- DryMistat Humidor Humidifier Tubes
  • Great perk for personal use
  • No technicalities involved in its usage
  • Very affordable to purchase
  • Does not last as long
  • Not suitable for large scale cigar humidification



The HumidiCup S1 cigar humidifier is a very quality pick when we are all about the best cigar Humidifiers for your humidor. The product works in an automated way. It has a streamlined cartridge which would work with a humidor that would be able to house up to a hundred and fifty(150) cigar sticks. The space of the HumidiCup humidifier makes it a top choice for consumers. The humidifier regulates the moisture in your cigars through an inbuilt moisture regulator. Also, it has a fan that circulates moisture throughout the entire body of the humidifier. This way, if you put in the maximum cigar capacity (150 cigars), all cigars would have their humidity well regulated. You are assured of getting fresh cigars always! For regulation of moisture, the most level is automatically set to 70% RH. Nonetheless, you can adjust to your desired level, between 60- 80% RH.

Key Features:

  • Streamlined build
  • Water audio and digital display alerts
  • Ability to fit into large cigar storage capacity humidors


  • Brand- HumidiCup
  • Model- HumidiCup Electric Cigar Humidifier
  • With the digital display and audio alerts, you easily get to know when the water level is low.
  • Flexible relative humidity settings
  • It is very easy to use. When you plug into electricity, all the work is automated. No stress!
  • Does not last as long



The Joe Cool Cigar humidifier is another top cigar humidifier for personal and small scale cigar humidification uses. It makes use of propylene Glycol solution to provide moisture and cool air to your cigars. The Joe Cool Cigar product is very easy to use. All you just have to do is to remove the cover on top of the container and place the container in your humidor. There are air pores or holes on a lid beneath the cover that would release moisture to your cigars. One thing that is quite interesting about the Joe Cool cigar humidifier is that despite its small size it can humidify up to 150 cigars. It maintains an RH of 70%.

Key Features:

  • Propylene Glycol solution for moist
  • 70% Relative Humidity
  • Ability to fit into large cigar storage capacity humidors


  • Brand- Joe Cool Cigar
  • Model- Joe Cool Cigar Humidifier
  • It can humidify up to 150 cigars
  • It can last up to 3 months long
  • It is very easy to use. When you remove the cover, just place the humidifier in your cigar humidor.
  • Might you give your desired moist and cold air to your cigars


Funew Cigar Humidifier

The new cigar humidifier is another top cigar humidor humidifier for preserving the taste and flavor of your cigars. It is great for personal preservation if you want to get the best out of it. It is very easy to install in your humidor. It has sticky edges that makes attaching it to your humidor very easy. The new humidifier makes frequent use of distilled water for efficient and effective humidification of your cigars. It can humidify between 70 and 200 stickers. If you are ever bothered by the durability of this humidor humidifier, fear not! The product lasts long so far you provide it with distilled water at reasonable intervals (depending on how frequently you use it). Moreso, the product is made of durable stainless steel materials.

Key Features:

  • Durable stainless steel build
  • 3M side tapes for ease of installation into your humidor
  • Durability and longevity


  • Brand- FUNEW
  • Model- FUNEW cigar humidifier
  • The distilled water humidifies your cigars very well
  • Ability to humidify up to 200 cigars
  • Long-lasting build
  • Too much variation in RH levels
  • Market Scarce


Hydra Personal Cigar Humidifier

The hydra personal cigar humidifier is very useful, a top cigar humidor humidifier for preserving the taste and flavor of your cigars. It is excellent for personal preservation and commercial preservation. If your humidor is small or large, this humidifier would work well. This humidifier is particularly effective for large humidors as it has an internal fan and also two external fans for airing a large humidor. One thing about this humidor is the fact that you can control your relative humidity according to the number of cigars in your humidor. If at all you run low on water, there is an indicator for that.

Key Features:

  • Durable stainless steel build
  • Two external fan for additional airing
  • Hygroset Adjustable technology


  • Brand- Hydra
  • Model- Hydra personal cigar humidifier
  • The distilled water humidifies your cigars very well in addition to adequate airing
  • Suitable for both large and small humidor
  • Long-lasting build
  • It is kind of heavy
  • Market Scarce

Buying Guide Questions

Having examined the eight best cigar Humidifiers for your humidor, we would now briefly examine how to choose humidifiers for your particular purpose(s). The first thing you should consider when choosing a cigar humidifier is the number of cigars you would like to humidify. This is the very first factor to consider as it would guide the size and relative humidity you would have in mind. When considering the relative humidity, you go for the one that has 76% RH and above, especially if you are buying a humidifier for a large humidor. You also need to go for a humidifier that has an RH control for flexibility.

All the cigar Humidifiers we listed above are a great picks for the best cigar Humidifiers for your humidor in 2020. Cigar humidifiers work generally by using distilled water and a fan to give moisture and regulate the humidity of your cigars. This is to help maintain the taste and flavor of your cigar, keeping it fresh!

In this buying guide section, important and frequently asked questions about the best cigar Humidifiers would be answered. Moreso, important information about cigar Humidifiers would be shared in this section. Do well to follow through.

What is the best humidifier for humidors?

Cigar humidifiers are particular and important to cigar storage. In fact, you would hardly find a cigar outlet without cigar humidifiers in 2020. One thing about cigars is the fact that you do not just store them anywhere and anyhow. Cigars need a moist and cool environment for storage, if not, they tend to lose their taste and flavor especially. Cigar humidifiers are types of equipment that produce a room temperature primarily for the storage of cigars. What is the difference between these cigar humidifiers and regular storage? Cigar humidifiers have relative humidity and a moist kind of temperature. They are conditioned to provide your cigars with moist and cool air. This is to retain and maintain your cigar condition, keeping the taste and tingling flavor. Cigar humidifiers come in different sizes, but they are mostly rectangular.

The best kind of cigar humidifiers is those humidifiers with wooden finishes and a distilled water system. Wooden cigar humidifiers are the best because they help enhance the humidity given to your cigar by the humidifier. Wooden humidifiers tend to produce more moisture and humidity. Based on these facts the best cigar humidifiers you can choose from including the cigar oasis, humid up, boveda, funew ,joe cool cigar, drymistat among others. These humidifiers all have distilled water systems to give your cigars regulated and adequate moist. When next you are in the market to buy a cigar humidifier, choose from these, especially if you are storing quite a quantity of cigars.

What is the best way to humidify a humidor?

The best way to humidify a humidor is to make use of cigar humidifiers. This is the best way because of the relative humidity and moisture which humidifiers add to your cigars. How does this work? Cigar Humidifiers work through a distilled water system. They use this distilled water to provide moisture and humidity to your cigars. Besides, they employ internal and external fans for airing of your cigars. Another thing that makes them the best way of storage is the fact that most humidifiers are flexible, one can adjust the relative humidity to your cigars. Using humidifiers is the best, they automatically humidify your cigars at varying RHs of 75%, 32%, 80%, 65% and, the likes. If you want to maintain the health worthiness, taste, and flavor of your cigars, you have to use cigar humidifiers and humidors.

If you do not have a cigar humidifier around and you need to quickly humidify your cigars, here is another option you could make do with. One thing you should know is that you cannot afford to allow fluctuations in the humidity level of where you store your cigar. You can make use of a cold room that has an RH controller. This option would allow you to store more quantities of cigars, but you cannot use the regular room temperature of a cold room, they would damage your cigars. So, you reduce the room temperature to a relative degree of 70 to 75%. This would work for your cigars. You would agree that most cold rooms are usually used for icing items which is why this option is not the best. But you can make do with it.

What is the best wood for a cigar humidor?

The importance of getting cigar humidors for the storage of your cigars cannot be overemphasized. You should always have it mind that you need to purchase humidors that provide adequate and regulated humidity and moisture. As we have elucidated in this content, cigars can dry out fast if you do not make sure to store them where their moist levels would be maintained and regulated. Now you know the importance of a humidor for the storage of your cigars. These exceptionally controlled conditions will guarantee your cigars both newness and flavor for a while.

Be that as it may, knowing how to purchase a quality cigar humidor isn’t simple. You would know this especially if you are not new cigars. You have to select the humidors that are built with the best wood. The best wood for cigar humidors is cedarwood. It’s the best because of its humid and moist nature. So, be guided that you choose humidor brands that are made from cedarwood.

You should also pick a humidor brand that has gained notoriety for quality and sturdiness. Whenever you are in the market for a cigar humidor, make sure you target brands that make use of cedar fine wood in their manufacturing. Also, look out for brands that have been in the cigar humidor business for a quality number of years. We would now state some of the best cigar humidor brands.

Take note of brands like megacra, Basel Maddox, Mantello, Ashton, David, Cuban crafters, cigar caddy, and S.T Dupont for the best cigar humidor brands. These brands have been in the market for a number of years and they have been renowned for quality in their humidors. These brands make use of cedar wooden elements in their production and they have an airtight system which makes the humidifying system very effective and reliable. Always remember, for your quality humidor, it should be nothing short of cedarwood.

Can dry cigars be rehydrated in humidors?

Many have frequently asked the question of whether cigar humidification systems can be used to rehydrate dry cigars. The answer is YES. If your cigar sticks are dried up, do not worry, the cigar humidification systems available can help in rehydrating your cigars. One thing is for sure, you would be able to regain some freshness and flavor from your cigar. Recommend is the cigar oasis humidifier for this purpose. This does not mean that you cannot rehydrate your cigars using other humidifiers though.

Many factors can be responsible for having a dried cigar(s), you most likely have not been using cigar humidification systems or you forgot to adjust the relative humidity and/or replenish the distilled water systems in your humidifier. The thing is that cigars need within the range of 65 to 75% of relative humidity to keep moist. So, if they do not get these moist conditions, they can easily dry up. Why should you even attempt to rehydrate your cigars? It is simply because they would be tasteless and burn up quickly if you light them up in that dry state. Now, how do you go about rehydrating your dried cigars?

The thing is that dried cigars take some time to get back their moisture and humidity. Firstly, make sure you fill up your distilled water tank. Now, to speed up the rehydration process, put your dried cigars in a humidifier bag before placing them in the humidor for your humidifier to start humidifying. Why is this good? In addition to the humidity and moist of the humidifier, that of the humidifier bag would be an enhancement towards quick humidification. Get Boveda humidification bag or pouches, they provide quality moisture. Now, you have to pay attention to the relative humidity level. We all know that it is damaging to your cigars to over humidify them at a high relative humidity rate. Too much moisture makes the cigar overly wet. But the reverse is the case when it comes to dried cigars. Dried cigars need high relative humidity levels like 80, 85, and 78%. This is because they are dried up and have lost all moisture, so you have to give the highest moist level when humidifying. Humidify those dry cigars for about seven to eight hours. Then, you bring the cigars out to humidify the humidor. While you were humidifying your dry cigars your humidor has lost almost all its moisture due to the dryness of the cigars. So, you have to humidify your humidor. Do this for at least half a day. After this dehumidify your cigars a second time. This time let the relative humidity level be set from 70 to 75%. Do this for more than 12 hours. After this, you can then see and feel the regular moisture and humidity back in your cigars.

Where should a humidifier be placed in a humidor?

The question “where should a humidifier be placed in a humidor” is a very common one when we are talking about cigar humidification systems. We are going to use some physics law and explanation to ascertain the best position for a humidifier in a humidor. Moist air is much frail and lighter than normal regular air, so moist air can easily rise and move. One thing is for sure, the damp air around the area where the humidifier is placed would be greater than the spaces in the rest of the humidor. Due to this fact, you should consider placing your humidifier a little bit away from your cigars, give considerable space and distance.

Now, where should you place your humidifier? If you are working with a humidor that has no item bed, it is quite easier. What you should do is to place the humidifier in the lid to create enough distance between your cigars and the humidifier. Another thing you should do is to cover your cigars with a wood cover to avoid direct contact with the moist air that is released by your humidifier. You need not worry about the distance between your humidifier and cigars, this is important to avoid them being wet. If you are using an automated humidifier, the humid air produced by the humidifier is blown around the humidor, every cigar is touched even if you have a lot of cigar in your humidor.

If you are working with a cigar humidor that has an item bed, where should you consider placing your humidifier? Humidors with an item bed make the circulation of humidity and moisture difficult. If you place your cigars in the inner bed, it would be difficult for the humidifier to circulate the height of the item bed(some cigars might not get adequate moist. For this reason, you would have to make use of two humidifiers. Place one on the lid and another at the bottom of the humidor. This would allow for adequate hydration and airing around the entire humidor. The humidifier placed at the bottom of the humidifier would circulate moist to the bottom cigars while the one on the lid would air the cigars at the top.


In this informational content, everything you need to know about the best cigar Humidifiers for your humidors has been examined thoroughly. At this point, you have seen that the importance of using Humidifiers for cigar storage cannot be overemphasized. If you really want to maintain the taste and flavor of your cigars, you need to use humidifiers. This content has examined the best Humidifiers that can do the job efficiently well. You cannot choose to go for just any humidifier, you should be considering the relative humidity level, durability, and the number of cigars your humidifier can humidify. Among the best you can choose from are cigar oasis, boveda, and others that have been listed above. Always remember, the taste and flavor of your cigars are very important and ideal, get a quality humidifier today.